June 15, 2022


We rejoice with the angels over the birth of a new brother. Jon Pride, a resident of His Way, was baptized Sunday, June 5th. Please welcome and encourage him.


Ø  Baucums: “Please add Emilia Coleman to the prayer list. She is having surgery Tuesday morning at Crestwood to have her adenoids out. We hope this will help her sleep issues. Thanks!” (Update: Emilia is recuperating at home.)

Ø  Jim Blue: “Dear Lord, Bless all of our shut-ins. Let them know how much we love and miss them. Bring them back to us very soon. Amen.”

Ø  Lisa Cooper: “I ask your prayers for my aunt, Ronna Burton. She is suffering with sciatica (nerve pain).”

Ø  Todd and April Ellen, Kaye Gray, and Michael Hammond: “Please continue to pray for the His Way participants.”

Ø  Gibbs family: “Please pray for Evelyn Gibbs, she has tonsils surgery tomorrow morning (Monday, June 13th). Pray for quick recovery and no complications.” (Update: Surgery went well, and Evie is now home.)

Ø  John Kuhn Family: “Please pray for Rose and her team as they head home Tuesday.” (Update: Rose is safely at home.) Added prayer request – “Please keep the Simms Family in your prayers as Mindy’s health is deteriorating.” (Mindy is a former member at Central, and we have prayed for her several times.)

Ø  Jared McCall: “I want to thank all of the teens and adults who helped with the Hands Free WorkCamp this past week. It was a blast!”

Ø  Lance and Jodi Moore: “Pray for Sandra Jones, for a part-time job for Lance, and Jodi’s physical therapy.”

Ø  Grant Ralph: “Please pray that I can get something from my doctor to help me sleep. I’ve only been getting 2 – 3 hours sleep for over a month now.”

Ø  JoAnn Rice: “Please pray for my co-worker, Gavin. He lost his mother a couple of weeks ago.”

Ø  Allen Stewart, brother of Todd Stewart, is in Huntsville Hospital, Room 1754.

Ø  Mothers-In-Waiting: Mishaella Ryans (7/7), Breanna Baucum (7/13), and Karin Bell (11/3).

Ø  Our Shut-ins: Amelia Biser, Jamie Cole, Ted Moore, Mary Etta Neiland, Sheril Townsley, and Herb Underwood

Ø  Our Missionaries: Denisovs & Rahimovs (Tomsk, Russia), Kishore Etwaroo Family (Port Kaituma, Guyana), Carlos & Linda Eguizabal (Juayua & Salcoatitan, El Salvador) & YOU (Huntsville Area)


We want to thank that Hands Free WorkCamp teens for their surprise visit and for the flowers, goodies, and the prayer. We really loved talking to them and to Scott from Orlando. It really cheered us up. It was the best gift to see all these young people working in God’s kingdom!

Love to all,

Herb and Sue Underwood


 On June 21, at 11:00, the Tuesday Ladies class will have lunch and a visit with Cheryl Etwaroo in the small fellowship area next to the kitchen. We will hear from Cheryl about the Guyana work and more important get an update on our prayer connections there. A box lunch from Angel's Island is planned; the cost is $10.00. (Please give your lunch money to Allison Goad, Janice Greenleaf, or Kathleen Lowery by June 18 so that we can make the order.) Drinks will be provided. Please let us know if your life has been rearranged since April when you signed "Yes" to this event. Looking forward to seeing you on June 21 at 11:00.                     Allison, Janice, and Kathleen


June 19

During the Sunday assembly this week, Kishore Etwaroo will provide an update on mission efforts in Guyana.

“Spiritual Vision for Life”: June 26 through August 28

The Old Testament tells the true story of a time in which the kingdom of Aram was at war with the kingdom of Israel. Aram was to the northeast of Israel, but its army had advanced deep into the heart of Israel’s territory. Aram’s army surrounded Dothan, the city in which the prophet Elisha had been staying, and Elisha’s servant was alarmed: “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha replied, “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Upon Elisha’s prayer, God opened eyes of Elisha’s servant to see the hills full of horses and chariots of fire. After Elisha prayed again, God blinded the eyes of the Aramean army. This event had a happy ending that is told in 2 Kings 6:8-23.

This historical account is fundamentally about spiritual vision and how it impacts our lives. As Christians, we are called to “live by faith, not by sight” and to “regard no one from a worldly point of view” (2 Corinthians 5:7, 16). So, do we see things the way the world sees them, or do we see things from a spiritual point of view? In this series, speakers will present lessons on several topics to help us think spiritually and see spiritually.






June 26

The Need for Spiritual Vision for Life

Jim Norville


July 3

Spiritual Vision for God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit

Allen Wright


July 10

Spiritual Vision for Our Purpose in Life

Tom Reynolds


July 17

Spiritual Vision for Ourselves

James Ryans


July 24

Spiritual Vision for Others

Daniel Alavi


July 31

Spiritual Vision for Money and Possessions

Chad Dickey


August 7

Spiritual Vision for Marriage and Family

Larry Rice


August 14

Spiritual Vision for Work, Retirement, Entertainment

Steve Lowery


August 21

Spiritual Vision for the Church

Jack Gibbs


August 28

Spiritual Vision for Our Total Life

Tom Reynolds


June 19

During Sunday class time this week, Kishore Etwaroo will be teaching in the Family Life Center on 1 Corinthians 15. The women’s ministry group will continue to meet in the library.

Summer Term: June 26 through August 28

1.   “Spiritual Vision for Life” (Family Life Center)

Each week, this series examines the same topics about spiritual vision that will be presented later in the assembly. Content is generally organized around three questions: 1) What is a worldly point of view? 2) What is a spiritual point of view? 3) How does this affect our lives? The format will be small-group discussion, each one led by pre-selected teachers who have prepared on these topics.

2.   Women’s Ministry (Library; Coordinators: Sue Underwood and Kim Story)

This class provides Bible-based content in a LIFE Talk setting and is set up to minister to women who are the head of their household and women whose husbands are not Christians. Women of all ages and situations are welcome who wish to participate in this ministry. The class is generally organized to alternate between Old Testament and New Testament books, topics, and ideas. However, prayer and sharing are also integral parts of the class. As participants begin to apply the teaching to their own lives, they are invited to openly share burdens with one another. This is so that others who have walked that path previously can share their own experience and wisdom on how to face that situation faithfully. While two ladies provide the principal oversight for the class, a number of ladies from within the class will be encouraged to lead individual sessions, usually a week or two at a time.


Summer Term: June 15 through August 24

1.   Designed for Happiness – The Beatitudes: An Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) (Family Life Center; Teacher: Allen Wright)

A Christian shouldn’t be concerned with happiness,” the man said. “He should only be concerned with Christian joy,” he continued with a sour look on his face. Why is it that Christians are accused of being miserable? If we are free from sin, if we are saved from punishment, if we are at peace with God and loved by him, it would follow that we would be happy people. My question as we look at the Sermon on the Mount is, “Just how happy are you?” If you struggle with happiness and you are more comfortable with anxiety and fear, then this study is for you. In 11 weeks, we will only have time to cover the first 12 verses of chapter 5 of Matthew but what goldmine there is in these verses! There is a slight possibility that we might get into being “Salt and Light” (5:14-16) but no promises. Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86363371603?pwd=cjM1bmFxZ0kyTU5SR1VQUlN2QlpOZz09

2.   Practicing Personal Bible Study (Library; Facilitator: Gregg Rigney)

As a follow-up to last quarter’s inductive Bible Study class, we will be meeting this summer to engage in either a Biblical book or topical study of the group’s choosing. The format is anticipated to be mostly class-participatory, rather than a teacher-led lecture. Participants will want to do reading and study during the week to contribute to their own and the group’s learning. Attendance of the inductive study class will be helpful but not necessary.

3.   Overflow Praise and Worship Gathering (Room 200; Coordinators: Daniel Alavi, Gerry Binford, and Rodney Keeton)

An optional gathering is offered during the 7:00 pm class time. This gathering is intended to be both outreach and encouragement focused. It is designed to reach new members, “Covid” displaced members, visitors, and anyone seeking a time of praise and worship on a Wednesday evening. In an effort to be sensitive to younger families who cannot stay late on Wednesdays, this gathering will start promptly at 7:00 pm and finish at 7:30 pm. Anyone wishing to stay until 8:00 pm can do so and fellowship with one another.

During this time, there will be singing, prayer and Scripture reading centered around spiritual disciplines. All are welcome to attend!

If you already attend a Bible class or small group on Wednesday evenings, please continue to do so! If not, feel free to join us in Room 200.


Chair Set-Up – Steve Lowery’s Team

Counting – Alan Moore’s Team

Ushering – Ronald Graham’s Team




Etwaroo Visits at Central



College – FNL (6:30 pm)



Jr. High Impact



Sr. High Impact



Jr. High Higher Grounds



College – FNL (6:30 pm)



Teens’ Higher Grounds



College – FNL (6:30 pm)



Family Gathering (4:00 pm)